Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 83 - Disastri Naturali
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
naturkatastrofe (disastro naturale)
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jordskælv (terremoto)
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vulkanudbrud (eruzione vulcanica)
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Oversvømmelse (alluvione)
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oversvømmelse (inondazione)
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skred (frana)
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Sneskred (valanga)
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storm (tempesta)
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tornado (tornado)
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orkan (uragano)
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cyklon (ciclone)
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tsunami (tsunami)
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tørke (siccità)
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Skovbrand (incendio boschivo)
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nødsituation (emergenza)
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evakuering (evacuazione)
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redning (soccorso)
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civilbeskyttelse (protezione civile)
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alarm (allarme)
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størrelsesorden (magnitudo)
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Richter-skalaen (scala Richter)
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epicenter (epicentro)
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humanitær hjælp (aiuto umanitario)
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tilflugtssted (rifugio)
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overlevelse (sopravvivenza)
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nødpakke (kit di emergenza)
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