Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 46 - Salute e Fitness
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
santé (salute)
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forme physique (fitness)
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médecin (medico)
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hôpital (ospedale)
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pharmacie (farmacia)
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médecine (medicina)
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entraînement (allenamento)
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exercice (esercizio)
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régime alimentaire (dieta)
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nutrition (nutrizione)
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se détendre (relax)
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stress (stress)
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poids (peso)
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muscle (muscolo)
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cœur (cuore)
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corps (corpo)
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rester en forme (stare in forma)
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vitamine (vitamina)
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protéine (proteina)
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calorie (caloria)
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hydratation (idratazione)
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eau (acqua)
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sommeil (sonno)
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repos (riposo)
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maladie (malattia)
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prévention (prevenzione)
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vaccin (vaccino)
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allergie (allergia)
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symptôme (sintomo)
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thérapie (terapia)
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chirurgie (chirurgia)
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récupération (recupero)
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blessure (infortunio)
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douleur (dolore)
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fièvre (febbre)
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soin (cura)
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rendez-vous (appuntamento)
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gymnastique (ginnastica)
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yoga (yoga)
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salle de sport (palestra)
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nutritionniste (nutrizionista)
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kinésithérapeute (fisioterapista)
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santé (sanità)
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hygiène (igiene)
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bien-être (benessere)
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