Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 54 - Erbe e Spezie
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
basilic (basilico)
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persil (prezzemolo)
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romarin (rosmarino)
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Sauge (salvia)
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Origan (origano)
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thym (timo)
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oignon (cipolla)
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ail (aglio)
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piment fort (peperoncino)
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laurier (alloro)
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coriandre (coriandolo)
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cumin (cumino)
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curcuma (curcuma)
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gingembre (zenzero)
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cannelle (cannella)
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clous de girofle (chiodi di garofano)
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muscade (noce moscata)
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poivre noir (pepe nero)
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paprika (paprika)
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safran (zafferano)
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