Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 82 - Spazio e Astronomia
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
espace (spazio)
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astronomie (astronomia)
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étoiles (stelle)
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planète (pianeta)
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galaxie (galassia)
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univers (universo)
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télescope (telescopio)
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constellation (costellazione)
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satellite (satellite)
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astronaute (astronauta)
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comète (cometa)
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orbite (orbita)
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trou noir (buco nero)
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cosmos (cosmo)
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astrophysique (astrofisica)
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éclipse (eclissi)
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nébuleuse (nebulosa)
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quasar (quasar)
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radiotélescope (radiotelescopio)
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aire de lancement (rampa di lancio)
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fusée (razzo)
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sonde spatiale (sonda spaziale)
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station spatiale (stazione spaziale)
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supernova (supernova)
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système solaire (sistema solare)
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