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Day 71 - Basic Science Terms
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Vocabulary of the day
atom (atom)
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bakterije (bacteria)
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ćelija (cell)
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kemijski (chemical)
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klima (climate)
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podaci (data)
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gustoća (density)
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ekosustav (ecosystem)
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energija (energy)
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evolucija (evolution)
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eksperiment (experiment)
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silа (force)
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genetika (genetics)
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gravitacija (gravity)
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stanište (habitat)
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hipoteza (hypothesis)
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laboratorij (laboratory)
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magnetizam (magnetism)
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masa (mass)
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tvar (matter)
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molekula (molecule)
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organizam (organism)
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čestica (particle)
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Fotosinteza (photosynthesis)
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fizika (physics)
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planet (planet)
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reakcija (reaction)
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istraživanje (research)
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znanost (science)
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vrste (species)
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temperatura (temperature)
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teorija (theory)
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tkivo (tissue)
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virus (virus)
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volumen (volume)
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vrijeme (weather)
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