Vocabulary of the day
atom (atom)
molekyle (molecule)
grundstof (element)
forbindelse (compound)
reaktion (reaction)
kemisk (chemical)
Periodiske system (periodic table)
opløsning (solution)
syre (acid)
base (base)
pH (pH)
gas (gas)
væske (liquid)
fast stof (solid)
blanding (mix)
opløse (dissolve)
koncentration (concentration)
masse (mass)
volumen (volume)
tæthed (density)
temperatur (temperature)
eksperiment (experiment)
laboratorium (laboratory)
Reagensglas (test tube)
Bægerglas (beaker)
kolbe (flask)
balance (balance)
måle (measure)
Sikkerhedsbriller (safety goggles)
Beskyttelseshandsker (protective gloves)
opvarmning (heating)
afkøling (cooling)
egenskaber (properties)
binding (bond)
ionisk (ionic)
kovalent (covalent)
metal (metal)
ikke-metal (nonmetal)
Reaktivitet (reactivity)
Valenselektroner (valence electrons)
Isotop (isotope)
Radioaktivitet (radioactivity)
bundfald (precipitate)
katalysator (catalyst)
enzym (enzyme)
teori (theory)
hypotese (hypothesis)
Konklusion (conclusion)
iagttagelse (observation)