Vocabulary of the day
celle (cell)
organisme (organism)
arter (species)
gen (gene)
evolution (evolution)
væv (tissue)
organ (organ)
system (system)
reproduktion (reproduction)
Fotosyntese (photosynthesis)
Klorofyl (chlorophyll)
økosystem (ecosystem)
Levested (habitat)
biodiversitet (biodiversity)
tilpasning (adaptation)
Pattedyr (mammal)
insekt (insect)
amfibium (amphibian)
krybdyr (reptile)
fisk (fish)
fugl (bird)
flora (flora)
fauna (fauna)
cellulær (cellular)
kerne (nucleus)
Kromosom (chromosome)
enzym (enzyme)
Protein (protein)
fossil (fossil)
Botanik (botany)
Zoologi (zoology)
Mikrobiologi (microbiology)
anatomi (anatomy)
Fysiologi (physiology)
økologi (ecology)
Genetik (genetics)
arvelighed (heredity)
Mutation (mutation)
Klassifikation (classification)
rige (kingdom)
stamme (phylum)
klasse (class)
orden (order)
familie (family)
slægt (genus)
art (or arten for "species" in definite form) (species)