Vocabulary of the day
familie (family)
forældre (parents)
mor (mother)
far (father)
søskende (sibling)
bror (brother)
søster (sister)
bedstemor (grandmother)
bedstefar (grandfather)
bedsteforældre (grandparents)
barn (child)
børn (children)
søn (son)
datter (daughter)
Tante (aunt)
Onkel (uncle)
fætter (male cousin), kusine (female cousin) (cousin)
Nevø (nephew)
Niece på dansk er "niece". (niece)
stavmor (stepmother)
Stedfar (stepfather)
stedbror (stepbrother)
Stedsøster (stepsister)
halvbror (half-brother)
halvsøster (half-sister)
svigermor (mother-in-law)
svigerfar (father-in-law)
svigerdatter (daughter-in-law)
svigersøn (son-in-law)
Svoger (brother-in-law)
svigerinde (sister-in-law)
mand (husband)
hustru (wife)
ægtefælle (spouse)
partner (partner)
forlovede (fiancée)
Gudfar (godfather)
Gudmor (godmother)
Fadderbarn (godson)
Guddatter (goddaughter)
adopteret (adopted)
værge (guardian)
slægtning (relative)
familiemedlem (relationship)