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90 days
Day 26 - Musical Instruments
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Vocabulary of the day
accordeon (accordion)
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akoestische gitaar (acoustic guitar)
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doedelzak (bagpipes)
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banjo (banjo)
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basgitaar (bass guitar)
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fagot (bassoon)
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klok (bell)
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bongo's (bongo)
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Cello (cello)
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klarinet (clarinet)
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conga (conga)
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bekken (cymbal)
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contrabas (double bass)
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trommel (drum)
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Elektrische gitaar (electric guitar)
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dwarsfluit (flute)
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mondharmonica (harmonica)
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harp (harp)
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toetsenbord (keyboard)
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mandoline (mandolin)
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Sambaballen (maracas)
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hobo (oboe)
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orgel (organ)
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piano (piano)
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blokfluit (recorder)
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saxofoon (saxophone)
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sitar (sitar)
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synthesizer (synthesizer)
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tamboerijn (tambourine)
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triangel (triangle)
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trompet (trumpet)
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tuba (tuba)
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ukelele (ukulele)
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altviool (viola)
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viool (violin)
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xylofoon (xylophone)
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