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90 days
Day 46 - Health and Fitness
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Vocabulary of the day
gezondheid (health)
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fitheid (fitness)
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oefening (exercise)
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dieet (diet)
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voeding (nutrition)
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arts (doctor)
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geneeskunde (medicine)
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ziekenhuis (hospital)
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apotheek (pharmacy)
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verpleegkundige (nurse)
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calorieën (calories)
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gewicht (weight)
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spier (muscle)
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vet (fat)
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eiwit (protein)
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vitamine (vitamin)
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hydratatie (hydration)
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water (water)
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slaap (sleep)
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rust (rest)
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ontspanning (relaxation)
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stress (stress)
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letsel (injury)
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pijn (pain)
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ziek (sick)
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Gezond (healthy)
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ziek (ill)
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ziekte (disease)
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behandeling (treatment)
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herstel (recovery)
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work-out (workout)
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training (training)
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Joggen (jogging)
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hardlopen (running)
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wandelen (walking)
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yoga (yoga)
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sportschool (gym)
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kracht (strength)
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uithoudingsvermogen (endurance)
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flexibiliteit (flexibility)
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geestelijke gezondheid (mental health)
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welzijn (well-being)
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levensstijl (lifestyle)
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immuniteit (immunity)
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allergie (allergy)
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symptoom (symptom)
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diagnose (diagnosis)
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recept (prescription)
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therapie (therapy)
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vaccin (vaccine)
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Eerste hulp (first aid)
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noodgeval (emergency)
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