Vocabulary of the day
Economie (Economics)
Aanbod (Supply)
Vraag (Demand)
Prijs (Price)
Kosten (Cost)
Waarde (Value)
Valuta (Currency)
Uitwisseling (Exchange)
Handel (Trade)
Goederen (Goods)
Diensten (Services)
Consument (Consumer)
Producent (Producer)
Investering (Investment)
Sparen (Saving)
Winst (Profit)
Verlies (Loss)
Inkomen (Income)
Loon (Wage)
Salaris (Salary)
Begroting (Budget)
Inflatie (Inflation)
Deflatie (Deflation)
Bruto binnenlands product (BBP) (Gross Domestic Product (GDP))
Recessie (Recession)
Werkloosheid (Unemployment)
Belasting (Tax)
Monopolie (Monopoly)
Concurrentie (Competition)
Invoer (Import)
Exporteren (Export)
Handelsbalans (Balance of Trade)
Rentevoet (Interest Rate)
Lening (Loan)
Schuld (Debt)
Krediet (Credit)
Fiscaal (Fiscal)
Monetair (Monetary)
Economie (Economy)
Kapitaal (Capital)
Hulpbronnen (Resource)
Aandelenmarkt (Stock Market)
Aandelen (Shares)
Dividend (Dividend)
Obligatie (Bond)
Verzekering (Insurance)
Hypotheek (Mortgage)
Activa (Asset)
Aansprakelijkheid (Liability)
Bank (Bank)
Financieel (Financial)
Ondernemer (Entrepreneur)
Vennootschap (Partnership)
Vennootschap (Corporation)
Subsidie (Subsidy)
Schaarste (Scarcity)
Alternatieve kosten (Opportunity Cost)
Evenwicht (Equilibrium)
Micro-economie (Microeconomics)
Macro-economie (Macroeconomics)