Vocabulary of the day
natuurkunde (physics)
energie (energy)
kracht (force)
beweging (motion)
snelheid (speed)
snelheid (velocity)
versnelling (acceleration)
massa (mass)
gewicht (weight)
zwaartekracht (gravity)
wrijving (friction)
impuls (momentum)
Vermogen (power)
arbeid (work)
afstand (distance)
verplaatsing (displacement)
tijd (time)
golf (wave)
frequentie (frequency)
amplitude (amplitude)
golflengte (wavelength)
licht (light)
geluid (sound)
warmte (heat)
temperatuur (temperature)
Elektriciteit (electricity)
stroom (current)
spanning (voltage)
weerstand (resistance)
magnetisme (magnetism)
lading (charge)
atoom (atom)
molecuul (molecule)
element (element)
verbinding (compound)
reactie (reaction)
druk (pressure)
Volume (volume)
dichtheid (density)
opwaartse kracht (buoyancy)
Optica (optics)
reflectie (reflection)
Breking (refraction)
lens (lens)
spiegel (mirror)
prisma (prism)
theorie (theory)
experiment (experiment)
waarneming (observation)
hypothese (hypothesis)
Conclusie (conclusion)
gegevens (data)
constante (constant)
variabele (variable)
evenwicht (equilibrium)
traagheid (inertia)
thermodynamica (thermodynamics)
kwantum (quantum)
deeltje (particle)
straling (radiation)
kern- (nuclear)