Vocabulary of the day
atoom (atom)
molecuul (molecule)
element (element)
verbinding (compound)
reactie (reaction)
chemisch (chemical)
periodiek systeem (periodic table)
oplossing (solution)
zuur (acid)
base (base)
pH (pH)
gas (gas)
vloeistof (liquid)
vast (solid)
mengen (mix)
oplossen (dissolve)
concentratie (concentration)
massa (mass)
volume (volume)
dichtheid (density)
temperatuur (temperature)
experiment (experiment)
laboratorium (laboratory)
reageerbuis (test tube)
beker (beaker)
kolf (flask)
balans (balance)
meten (measure)
veiligheidsbril (safety goggles)
beschermende handschoenen (protective gloves)
verhitting (heating)
afkoeling (cooling)
eigenschappen (properties)
binding (bond)
ionisch (ionic)
covalent (covalent)
metaal (metal)
niet-metaal (nonmetal)
reactiviteit (reactivity)
valentie-elektronen (valence electrons)
isotoop (isotope)
radioactiviteit (radioactivity)
neerslag (precipitate)
katalysator (catalyst)
enzym (enzyme)
theorie (theory)
hypothese (hypothesis)
Conclusie (conclusion)
waarneming (observation)