Vocabulary of the day
cel (cell)
organisme (organism)
soorten (species)
gen (gene)
evolutie (evolution)
weefsel (tissue)
orgaan (organ)
systeem (system)
voortplanting (reproduction)
fotosynthese (photosynthesis)
chlorofyl (chlorophyll)
ecosysteem (ecosystem)
habitat (habitat)
biodiversiteit (biodiversity)
aanpassing (adaptation)
zoogdier (mammal)
insect (insect)
amfibie (amphibian)
reptiel (reptile)
vis (fish)
vogel (bird)
flora (flora)
fauna (fauna)
cellulair (cellular)
kern (nucleus)
chromosoom (chromosome)
enzym (enzyme)
eiwit (protein)
fossiel (fossil)
Plantkunde (botany)
Dierkunde (zoology)
microbiologie (microbiology)
anatomie (anatomy)
fysiologie (physiology)
ecologie (ecology)
genetica (genetics)
erfelijkheid (heredity)
mutatie (mutation)
classificatie (classification)
rijk (kingdom)
stam (phylum)
klasse (class)
orde (order)
familie (family)
geslacht (genus)
soort (species)