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Day 87 - Forms of Entertainment
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Vocabulary of the day
bioscoop (cinema)
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theater (theatre)
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film (movie)
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toneelstuk (play)
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acteur (actor)
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actrice (actress)
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regisseur (director)
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publiek (audience)
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scherm (screen)
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voorstelling (performance)
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scène (scene)
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kaartje (ticket)
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voorstelling (show)
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soundtrack (soundtrack)
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personage (character)
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verhaallijn (plot)
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komedie (comedy)
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drama (drama)
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musical (musical)
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genre (genre)
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animatie (animation)
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documentaire (documentary)
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serie (series)
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aflevering (episode)
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sitcom (sitcom)
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thriller (thriller)
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rolbezetting (cast)
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repetitie (rehearsal)
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podium (stage)
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kostuum (costume)
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rekwisiet (prop)
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speciale effecten (special effects)
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amusement (entertainment)
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concert (concert)
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festival (festival)
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live - live (live)
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band (band)
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orkest (orchestra)
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zanger/zangeres (singer)
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muzikant (musician)
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auditorium (auditorium)
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kassa (box office)
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première (premiere)
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trailer (trailer)
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recensie (review)
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beoordeling (rating)
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ondertitel (subtitle)
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dubben (dubbing)
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