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90 days
Day 89 - Common Urban and Rural Landscapes
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Vocabulary of the day
stad (city)
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stad (town)
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dorp (village)
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metropool (metropolis)
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voorstad (suburb)
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buurt (neighborhood)
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binnenstad (downtown)
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wolkenkrabber (skyscraper)
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appartementencomplex (apartment building)
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huis (house)
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park (park)
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speeltuin (playground)
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straat (street)
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weg (road)
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Laan (avenue)
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boulevard (boulevard)
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laan (lane)
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verkeerslicht (traffic light)
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zebrapad (crosswalk)
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stoep (sidewalk)
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openbaar vervoer (public transportation)
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bushalte (bus stop)
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metro (subway)
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treinstation (train station)
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luchthaven (airport)
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markt (market)
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winkelcentrum (shopping center)
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winkelcentrum (mall)
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restaurant (restaurant)
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koffiehuis (café)
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kroeg (bar)
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theater (theater)
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bioscoop (cinema)
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bibliotheek (library)
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museum (museum)
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school (school)
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hogeschool or universiteit (college)
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universiteit (university)
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ziekenhuis (hospital)
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kliniek (clinic)
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apotheek (pharmacy)
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sportschool (gym)
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stadion (stadium)
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platteland (countryside)
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boerderij (farm)
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schuur (barn)
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veld (field)
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weide (pasture)
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boomgaard (orchard)
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bos (forest)
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berg (mountain)
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heuvel (hill)
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rivier (river)
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meer (lake)
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vijver (pond)
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beek (stream)
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brug (bridge)
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hekwerk (fence)
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pad (path)
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pad (trail)
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zandweg (dirt road)
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tractor (tractor)
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kas (greenhouse)
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windmolen (windmill)
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silo (silo)
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stal (stable)
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