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90 days
Day 49 - Mental Health Terms
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Vocabulary of the day
mielenterveys (mental health)
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hyvinvointi (well-being)
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Ahdistuneisuus (anxiety)
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masennus (depression)
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Stressi (stress)
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terapia (therapy)
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ohjaaja (counselor)
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psykiatri (psychiatrist)
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psykologi (psychologist)
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mieliala (mood)
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tunteet (emotions)
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trauma (trauma)
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sinnikkyys (resilience)
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tuki (support)
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tietoinen läsnäolo (mindfulness)
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itsehoito (self-care)
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selviytymiskeino (coping)
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Meditaatio (meditation)
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rentoutuminen (relaxation)
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häiriö (disorder)
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oire (symptom)
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toipuminen (recovery)
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hoito (treatment)
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Väsymys (fatigue)
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Unettomuus (insomnia)
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Fobia (phobia)
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itsetunto (self-esteem)
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suru (grief)
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riippuvuus (addiction)
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Uupumus (burnout)
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toivo (hope)
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paraneminen (healing)
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Terapiaistunto (therapy session)
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diagnoosi (diagnosis)
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Kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö (bipolar disorder)
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Skitsofrenia (schizophrenia)
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Tarkkaavuus- ja ylivilkkaushäiriö (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
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traumaperäinen stressihäiriö (post-traumatic stress disorder)
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paniikkikohtaus (panic attacks)
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Pakko-oireinen häiriö (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
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