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Day 63 - Historical Terms
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Vocabulary of the day
Historia (History)
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Menneisyys (Past)
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Kulttuuri (Culture)
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Sivistys (Civilization)
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Imperiumi (Empire)
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Kuningaskunta (Kingdom)
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Dynastia (Dynasty)
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Valloitus (Conquest)
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Siirtokunta (Colony)
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Vallankumous (Revolution)
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Sota (War)
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Rauha (Peace)
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Monarkia (Monarchy)
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Demokratia (Democracy)
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Tasavalta (Republic)
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Diktatuuri (Dictatorship)
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Hyökkäys (Invasion)
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Siirtokunta (Settlement)
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Muutto (Migration)
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Esine (Artifact)
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Arkeologia (Archaeology)
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Kronologia (Chronology)
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Aikakausi (Era)
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Vuosisata (Century)
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vuosikymmen (Decade)
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Muinainen (Ancient)
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Keskiaikainen (Medieval)
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Renessanssi (Renaissance)
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Nykyajan (Modern)
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Historiallinen (Historic)
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Asiakirja (Document)
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Ensisijainen lähde (Primary source)
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Toissijainen lähde (Secondary source)
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Todisteet (Evidence)
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Elämäkerta (Biography)
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Aikajana (Timeline)
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Keksintö (Invention)
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Löytö (Discovery)
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Perinne (Tradition)
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Esi-isä (Ancestor)
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Jälkeläinen (Descendant)
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Sukupolvi (Generation)
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Perintö (Heritage)
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Perintö (Legacy)
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Mytologia (Mythology)
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Pyhäinjäännös (Relic)
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