learn Finnish in
90 days
Day 73 - Internet and Social Media
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Vocabulary of the day
Internet (Internet)
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Sosiaalinen media (Social Media)
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Verkkosivusto (Website)
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Linkki (Link)
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Hakukone (Search Engine)
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Selain (Browser)
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Sähköposti (Email)
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Käyttäjänimi (Username)
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Salasana (Password)
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Profiili (Profile)
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Ystävä (Friend)
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Seuraa (Follow)
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Julkaisu (Post)
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Kommentti (Comment)
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Tykkää (Like)
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Jaa (Share)
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Tägi (Tag)
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# (hastagi) (Hashtag)
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Verkko (Network)
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Verkossa (Online)
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Poissa linjoilta (Offline)
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Lataa ylös (Upload)
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Lataa (Download)
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Keskustelu (Chat)
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Viesti (Message)
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Foorumi (Forum)
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Blogi (Blog)
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Vlogi (Vlog)
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Podcasti (Podcast)
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Suoratoisto (Streaming)
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Tilaa (Subscribe)
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Ilmoitukset (Notifications)
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Yksityisyys (Privacy)
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Kyberturvallisuus (Cybersecurity)
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