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90 days
Day 81 - Environment and Ecology
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Vocabulary of the day
ympäristö (environment)
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ekologia (ecology)
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saaste (pollution)
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ilmasto (climate)
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säilyttäminen (conservation)
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kestävyys (sustainability)
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kierrättää (recycle)
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biodiversiteetti (biodiversity)
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ekosysteemi (ecosystem)
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uusiutuva (renewable)
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metsänhakkuu (deforestation)
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orgaaninen (organic)
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elinympäristö (habitat)
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laji (species)
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uhanalainen (endangered)
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ilmaston lämpeneminen (global warming)
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luonnonvarat (natural resources)
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otsonikerros (ozone layer)
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biohajoava (biodegradable)
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hiilijalanjälki (carbon footprint)
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luonnonsuojelija (conservationist)
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kasvihuonekaasut (greenhouse gases)
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uusiutuva energia (renewable energy)
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aurinkoenergia (solar power)
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tuulienergia (wind energy)
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vesikierto (water cycle)
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Fotosynteesi (photosynthesis)
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kompostointi (composting)
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Metsitys (afforestation)
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villieläimet (wildlife)
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saastuttava aine (pollutant)
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maapallo (earth)
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kestävä kehitys (sustainable development)
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päästöt (emissions)
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Fossiiliset polttoaineet (fossil fuels)
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ympäristöystävällinen (eco-friendly)
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Jätteiden käsittely (waste management)
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ylikansoitus (overpopulation)
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hiilidioksidi (carbon dioxide)
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metaani (methane)
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Typpioksiduuli (nitrous oxide)
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ekologinen jalanjälki (ecological footprint)
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happosade (acid rain)
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puhdas energia (clean energy)
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kasvillisuus (vegetation)
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rappeutuminen (degradation)
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ilmastonmuutos (climate change)
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säilyttäminen (preservation)
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ympäristöaktivisti (environmentalist)
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biomassa (biomass)
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