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90 days
Day 1 - Basic Greetings and Farewells
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Vocabulary of the day
Bonjour (Hello)
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Salut (Hi)
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Au revoir (Goodbye)
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Au revoir. (Bye)
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Bonjour (Good morning)
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Bon après-midi (Good afternoon)
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Bonsoir (Good evening)
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Bonne nuit (Good night)
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Comment ça va ? (How are you?)
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Je vais bien, merci. (I'm fine, thank you)
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Et toi ? (And you?)
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Enchanté(e) de vous rencontrer (Nice to meet you)
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Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance. (Pleased to meet you)
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Bienvenue (Welcome)
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À tout à l'heure (See you later)
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À bientôt (See you soon)
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À demain. (See you tomorrow)
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Prends soin de toi (Take care)
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Passe une bonne journée. (Have a nice day)
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Passe une bonne journée. (Have a good one)
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