Vocabulary of the day
animal (animal)
chien (dog)
Chat (cat)
oiseau (bird)
poisson (fish)
vache (cow)
cheval (horse)
mouton (sheep)
Cochon (pig)
poulet (chicken)
canard (duck)
oie (goose)
rat (rat)
souris (mouse)
serpent (snake)
grenouille (frog)
Lapin (rabbit)
écureuil (squirrel)
éléphant (elephant)
lion (lion)
tigre (tiger)
ours (bear)
loup (wolf)
singe (monkey)
girafe (giraffe)
kangourou (kangaroo)
panda (panda)
zèbre (zebra)
insecte (insect)
abeille (bee)
fourmi (ant)
papillon (butterfly)
araignée (spider)
tortue (turtle)
lézard (lizard)
perroquet (parrot)
chouette (owl)
manchot (penguin)
baleine (whale)
dauphin (dolphin)
requin (shark)
pieuvre (octopus)
crabe (crab)
Homard (lobster)
phoque (seal)
animal de compagnie (pet)
sauvage (wild)
domestique (domestic)
fourrure (fur)
plume (feather)
écaille (scale)
queue (tail)
aile (wing)
bec (beak)
patte (paw)
griffe (claw)
sabot (hoof)
zoo (zoo)
aquarium (aquarium)
habitat (habitat)
vétérinaire (veterinarian)
en danger (endangered)