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90 days
Day 32 - Plants and Trees
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Vocabulary of the day
plante (plant)
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arbre (tree)
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fleur (flower)
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feuille (leaf)
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branche (branch)
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racine (root)
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graine (seed)
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sol (soil)
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écorce (bark)
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bourgeon (bud)
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pétale (petal)
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tige (stem)
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épine (thorn)
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tronc (trunk)
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brindille (twig)
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arbuste (shrub)
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buisson (bush)
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herbe (grass)
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jardin (garden)
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forêt (forest)
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feuillu (leafy)
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floral (floral)
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floraison (blossom)
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fruits (fruit)
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pépinière (nursery)
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semer (sow)
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croître (grow)
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tailler (prune)
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récolte (harvest)
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photosynthèse (photosynthesis)
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chlorophylle (chlorophyll)
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toujours vert (evergreen)
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caduc (deciduous)
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vivace (perennial)
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annuel (annual)
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bisannuelle (biennial)
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feuillage (foliage)
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pollen (pollen)
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polliniser (pollinate)
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germer (germinate)
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jeune pousse (sapling)
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vigne (vine)
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verger (orchard)
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fougère (fern)
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