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90 days
Day 47 - Exercises and Workouts
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Vocabulary of the day
exercice (exercise)
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entraînement (workout)
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étirement (stretch)
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pompe (push-up)
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traction (pull-up)
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abdominal (sit-up)
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jogging (jogging)
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Course à pied (running)
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marche (walking)
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accroupissement (squat)
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Fente (lunge)
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yoga (yoga)
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pilates (pilates)
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Aérobic (aerobics)
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cardio-training (cardio)
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force (strength)
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entraînement (training)
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échauffement (warm-up)
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retour au calme (cool-down)
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répétitions (reps)
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séries (sets)
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salle de sport (gym)
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entraîneur (trainer)
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muscle (muscle)
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tapis roulant (treadmill)
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elliptique (elliptical)
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vélo (bike)
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Natation (swimming)
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haltère (dumbbell)
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hydratation (hydration)
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tapis (mat)
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haltère (barbell)
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haltère russe (kettlebell)
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nutrition (nutrition)
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endurance (endurance)
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souplesse (flexibility)
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actif (active)
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repos (rest)
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sports (sports)
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équilibre (balance)
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coordination (coordination)
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