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90 days
Day 48 - Nutrition and Diet
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Vocabulary of the day
régime alimentaire (diet)
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protéine (protein)
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nutrition (nutrition)
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Glucide (carbohydrate)
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graisse (fat)
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vitamine (vitamin)
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minéral (mineral)
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fibre (fiber)
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calorie (calorie)
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repas (meal)
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petit-déjeuner (breakfast)
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déjeuner (lunch)
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dîner (dinner)
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collation (snack)
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légume (vegetable)
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fruit (fruit)
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céréale (grain)
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produits laitiers (dairy)
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viande (meat)
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volaille (poultry)
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poisson (fish)
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fruits de mer (seafood)
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œuf (egg)
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noix (nut)
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légumineuse (legume)
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sucre (sugar)
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sel (salt)
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eau (water)
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hydratation (hydration)
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portion (portion)
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portion (serving)
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régime alimentaire équilibré (balanced diet)
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biologique (organic)
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aliment transformé (processed food)
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aliment complet (whole food)
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allergie (allergy)
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intolérance (intolerance)
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complément alimentaire (supplement)
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surconsommation alimentaire (overeating)
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sous-alimentation (undernourishment)
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appétit (appetite)
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métabolisme (metabolism)
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obésité (obesity)
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perte de poids (weight loss)
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végétalien (vegan)
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végétarien (masculine), végétarienne (feminine) (vegetarian)
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sans gluten (gluten-free)
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sans lactose (lactose-free)
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