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Day 49 - Mental Health Terms
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Vocabulary of the day
santé mentale (mental health)
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bien-être (well-being)
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Anxiété (anxiety)
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dépression (depression)
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stress (stress)
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thérapie (therapy)
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conseiller (masculine), conseillère (feminine) (counselor)
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psychiatre (psychiatrist)
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psychologue (psychologist)
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humeur (mood)
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émotions (emotions)
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traumatisme (trauma)
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résilience (resilience)
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soutien (support)
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pleine conscience (mindfulness)
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auto-soins (self-care)
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adaptation (coping)
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méditation (meditation)
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détente (relaxation)
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trouble (disorder)
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symptôme (symptom)
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rétablissement (recovery)
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traitement (treatment)
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fatigue (fatigue)
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Insomnie (insomnia)
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phobie (phobia)
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estime de soi (self-esteem)
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deuil (grief)
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addiction (addiction)
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épuisement professionnel (burnout)
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espoir (hope)
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guérison (healing)
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séance de thérapie (therapy session)
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diagnostic (diagnosis)
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trouble bipolaire (bipolar disorder)
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schizophrénie (schizophrenia)
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Trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
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trouble de stress post-traumatique (post-traumatic stress disorder)
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crises de panique (panic attacks)
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Trouble obsessionnel compulsif (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
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