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Day 68 - Marketing and Advertising
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Vocabulary of the day
marque (brand)
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campagne (campaign)
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publicité (advertisement)
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marketing (marketing)
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public cible (target audience)
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consommateur (consumer)
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promotion (promotion)
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stratégie (strategy)
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étude de marché (market research)
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marketing numérique (digital marketing)
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médias sociaux (social media)
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engagement (engagement)
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analyses (analytics)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
marque (branding)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
placement de produit (product placement)
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parrainage (sponsorship)
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publicité (commercial)
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influence (influence)
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argumentaire de vente (pitch)
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relations publiques (public relations)
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jingle publicitaire (jingle)
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Panneau d'affichage (billboard)
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prospectus (flyer)
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dépliant (brochure)
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logo (logo)
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Endossement (endorsement)
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témoignages clients (testimonials)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
viral (viral)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
conversion (conversion)
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taux de clics (click-through rate)
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segmentation (segmentation)
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marché de niche (niche market)
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détail (retail)
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vente en gros (wholesale)
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prix (price)
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réduction (discount)
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solde (sale)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
offre (offer)
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Marchandisage (merchandising)
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commerce électronique (e-commerce)
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bannière publicitaire (banner ad)
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Appel à l'action (call to action)
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démographie (demographics)
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portée (reach)
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impressions (impressions)
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prospect (lead)
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prospecteur (prospect)
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chiffre d'affaires (revenue)
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retour sur investissement (return on investment)
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