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Day 36 - City and Town Places
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Vocabulary of the day
Stadt (city)
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Stadt (town)
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Bank (bank)
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Krankenhaus (hospital)
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Bibliothek (library)
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Museum (museum)
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Park (park)
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Restaurant (restaurant)
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Schule (school)
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Geschäft (store)
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Supermarkt (supermarket)
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Theater (theater)
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Café (cafe)
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Bäckerei (bakery)
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Apotheke (pharmacy)
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Postamt (post office)
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Busbahnhof (bus station)
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Bahnhof (train station)
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Flughafen (airport)
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Hotel (hotel)
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Polizeiwache (police station)
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Feuerwache (fire station)
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Fitnessstudio (gym)
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Zoo (zoo)
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Garten (garden)
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Markt (market)
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Geschäft (shop)
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U-Bahn (subway)
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Universität (university)
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Kirche (church)
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Moschee (mosque)
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Tempel (temple)
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Synagoge (synagogue)
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Stadion (stadium)
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Arena (arena)
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Rathaus (city hall)
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Botschaft (embassy)
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Gerichtsgebäude (courthouse)
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Brücke (bridge)
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Platz (square)
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Straße (street)
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Allee (avenue)
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Boulevard (boulevard)
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Gasse (alley)
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Nachbarschaft (neighborhood)
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Wohngebiet (residential area)
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Innenstadt (downtown)
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Vororte (suburbs)
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Wolkenkratzer (skyscraper)
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Denkmal (monument)
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Brunnen (fountain)
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Zebrastreifen (crosswalk)
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Ampel (traffic light)
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Gehweg (sidewalk)
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Fußgängerzone (pedestrian zone)
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Spielplatz (playground)
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öffentlicher Verkehr (public transport)
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Taxistand (taxi stand)
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Fahrradspur (bike lane)
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Parkplatz (parking lot)
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Tankstelle (gas station)
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Waschsalon (laundromat)
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Recyclinghof (recycling center)
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Tierhandlung (pet shop)
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Blumenladen (florist)
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Buchhandlung (bookstore)
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Metzgerei (butcher)
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Eisenwarengeschäft (hardware store)
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Möbelgeschäft (furniture store)
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Elektronikgeschäft (electronics store)
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