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Day 40 - Travel and Tourism
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Vocabulary of the day
Flughafen (airport)
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Hotel (hotel)
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Taxi (taxi)
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Gepäck (luggage)
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Reisepass (passport)
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Fahrkarte (ticket)
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Flug (flight)
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Reservierung (reservation)
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Tourist (tourist)
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Reiseziel (destination)
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Unterkunft (accommodation)
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Besichtigung (sightseeing)
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Reiseführer (guide)
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Karte (map)
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Attraktion (attraction)
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Fahrplan (schedule)
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Reiseverlauf (itinerary)
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Währung (currency)
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Wechsel (exchange)
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Visum (visa)
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Rucksack (backpack)
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Koffer (suitcase)
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Abfahrt (departure)
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Ankunft (arrival)
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Zoll (customs)
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Einwanderung (immigration)
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Bordkarte (boarding pass)
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Tor (gate)
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Terminal (terminal)
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Einchecken (check-in)
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Gepäckausgabe (baggage claim)
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Autovermietung (car rental)
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Bus (bus)
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Zug (train)
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U-Bahn (subway)
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Straßenbahn (tram)
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Fähre (ferry)
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Kreuzfahrt (cruise)
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Rundreise (tour)
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Broschüre (brochure)
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Sehenswürdigkeit (landmark)
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Museum (museum)
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Galerie (gallery)
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Strand (beach)
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Berge (mountains)
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ländliche Gegend (countryside)
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Stadt (city)
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Stadt (town)
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Dorf (village)
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Nationalpark (national park)
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Ökotourismus (ecotourism)
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Abenteuer (adventure)
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erkunden (explore)
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Reisebürokaufmann / Reisebürokauffrau (travel agent)
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Reise (trip)
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Urlaub (vacation)
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Urlaub (holiday)
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örtlich (local)
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Ausländer (foreigner)
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Reiseveranstalter (tour operator)
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Andenken (souvenir)
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Ansichtskarte (postcard)
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Fotografie (photograph)
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Empfehlung (recommendation)
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