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Day 45 - Medical Professions
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Vocabulary of the day
Arzt (male) / Ärztin (female) (doctor)
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Krankenpfleger (male) / Krankenschwester (female) (nurse)
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Apotheker (pharmacist)
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Zahnarzt (male) / Zahnärztin (female) (dentist)
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Chirurg (surgeon)
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Therapeut (therapist)
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Psychologe (for male) or Psychologin (for female) (psychologist)
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Kinderarzt (pediatrician)
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Augenoptiker (optometrist)
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Frauenarzt/Frauenärztin (gynecologist)
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Hautarzt / Dermatologe (dermatologist)
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Anästhesist (anesthesiologist)
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Radiologe (for male) / Radiologin (for female) (radiologist)
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Kardiologe (masculine), Kardiologin (feminine) (cardiologist)
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Neurologe (neurologist)
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Onkologe/Onkologin (oncologist)
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Orthopäde (orthopedist)
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Pathologe/Pathologin (pathologist)
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Urologe (urologist)
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Rettungsassistent or Notfallsanitäter (paramedic)
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Hebamme (midwife)
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Tierarzt (for male) or Tierärztin (for female) (veterinarian)
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Chiropraktiker (chiropractor)
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Diätassistent / Diätassistentin (dietitian)
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Audiologe/Audiologin (audiologist)
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Sprachtherapeut (speech therapist)
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Medizinischer Fachangestellter / Medizinische Fachangestellte (medical assistant)
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Laboratoriumstechniker (laboratory technician)
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Radiologietechnologe / Radiologietechnologin (radiologic technician)
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Atemtherapeut (respiratory therapist)
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Hauskrankenpfleger/Hauskrankenpflegerin (home health aide)
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Ergotherapeut (occupational therapist)
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Physiotherapeut (männlich), Physiotherapeutin (weiblich) (physical therapist)
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