Vocabulary of the day
Zelle (cell)
Organismus (organism)
Art (species)
Gen (gene)
Evolution (evolution)
Gewebe (tissue)
Organ (organ)
System (system)
Fortpflanzung (reproduction)
Photosynthese (photosynthesis)
Chlorophyll (chlorophyll)
Ökosystem (ecosystem)
Lebensraum (habitat)
Biodiversität (biodiversity)
Anpassung (adaptation)
Säugetier (mammal)
Insekt (insect)
Amphibie (amphibian)
Reptil (reptile)
Fisch (fish)
Vogel (bird)
Flora (flora)
Fauna (fauna)
zellular (cellular)
Zellkern (nucleus)
Chromosom (chromosome)
Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNA)
Enzym (enzyme)
Protein (protein)
Fossil (fossil)
Botanik (botany)
Zoologie (zoology)
Mikrobiologie (microbiology)
Anatomie (anatomy)
Physiologie (physiology)
Ökologie (ecology)
Genetik (genetics)
Vererbung (heredity)
Mutation (mutation)
Klassifikation (classification)
Reich (kingdom)
Stamm (phylum)
Klasse (class)
Ordnung (order)
Familie (family)
Gattung (genus)
Art (species)