Vocabulary of the day
Kontinent (continent)
Land (country)
Stadt (city)
Ozean (ocean)
Meer (sea)
Fluss (river)
Berg (mountain)
Hügel (hill)
Tal (valley)
Wüste (desert)
Wald (forest)
Dschungel (jungle)
See (lake)
Insel (island)
Halbinsel (peninsula)
Bucht (bay)
Strand (beach)
Klippe (cliff)
Delta (delta)
Gletscher (glacier)
Golf (gulf)
Breitengrad (latitude)
Längengrad (longitude)
Sumpf (marsh)
Oase (oasis)
Hochplateau (plateau)
Riff (reef)
Savanne (savanna)
Please provide the English Geography Terms you need to be translated into German. (source)
Meerenge (strait)
Nebenfluss (tributary)
Vulkan (volcano)
Wasserfall (waterfall)
Schlucht (canyon)
Archipel Germany (archipelago)
Atoll (atoll)
Kap (cape)
Düne (dune)
Fjord (fjord)
Eisberg (iceberg)
Landenge (isthmus)
Lagune (lagoon)
Gipfel (peak)
Ebene (plain)
Gebirgszug (range)
Tundra (tundra)
Karte (map)
Kompass (compass)
Höhe (elevation)
Hemisphäre (hemisphere)
Äquator (equator)
Nullmeridian (prime meridian)
Topografie (topography)
Klima (climate)
Region (region)