Vocabulary of the day
Familie (family)
Eltern (parents)
Mutter (mother)
Vater (father)
Geschwister (sibling)
Bruder (brother)
Schwester (sister)
Großmutter (grandmother)
Großvater (grandfather)
Großeltern (grandparents)
Kind (child)
Kinder (children)
Sohn (son)
Tochter (daughter)
Tante (aunt)
Onkel (uncle)
Vetter (male) or Kusine (female) (cousin)
Neffe (nephew)
Nichte (niece)
Stiefmutter (stepmother)
Stiefvater (stepfather)
Stiefbruder (stepbrother)
Stiefschwester (stepsister)
Halbbruder (half-brother)
Halbschwester (half-sister)
Schwiegermutter (mother-in-law)
Schwiegervater (father-in-law)
Schwiegertochter (daughter-in-law)
Schwiegersohn (son-in-law)
Schwager (brother-in-law)
Schwägerin (sister-in-law)
Ehemann (husband)
Ehefrau (wife)
Ehepartner/Ehepartnerin (spouse)
Partner/Partnerin (partner)
Verlobter (for a male) / Verlobte (for a female) (fiancé)
Verlobte (fiancée)
Pate (godfather)
Patin (godmother)
Patensohn (godson)
Patenkind (weiblich) (goddaughter)
adoptiert (adopted)
Vormund (guardian)
Verwandter (male), Verwandte (female), Verwandten (plural) (relative)
Verwandtschaftsverhältnis (relationship)