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90 days
Day 81 - Environment and Ecology
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Vocabulary of the day
Umwelt (environment)
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Ökologie (ecology)
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Verschmutzung (pollution)
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Klima (climate)
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Naturschutz (conservation)
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Nachhaltigkeit (sustainability)
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recyceln (recycle)
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Biodiversität (biodiversity)
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Ökosystem (ecosystem)
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erneuerbar (renewable)
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Entwaldung (deforestation)
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biologisch (organic)
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Lebensraum (habitat)
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Art (species)
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gefährdet (endangered)
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Globale Erwärmung (global warming)
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Naturressourcen (natural resources)
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Ozonschicht (ozone layer)
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biologisch abbaubar (biodegradable)
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Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck (carbon footprint)
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Naturschützer (conservationist)
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Treibhausgase (greenhouse gases)
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Erneuerbare Energie (renewable energy)
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Solarenergie (solar power)
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Windenergie (wind energy)
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Wasserkreislauf (water cycle)
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Photosynthese (photosynthesis)
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Kompostierung (composting)
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Aufforstung (afforestation)
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Wildtiere (wildlife)
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Schadstoff (pollutant)
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Erde (earth)
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nachhaltige Entwicklung (sustainable development)
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Emissionen (emissions)
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fossile Brennstoffe (fossil fuels)
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umweltfreundlich (eco-friendly)
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Abfallwirtschaft (waste management)
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Überbevölkerung (overpopulation)
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Kohlendioxid (carbon dioxide)
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Methan (methane)
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Distickstoffmonoxid (nitrous oxide)
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ökologischer Fußabdruck (ecological footprint)
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Saurer Regen (acid rain)
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Saubere Energie (clean energy)
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Vegetation (vegetation)
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Degradierung (degradation)
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Klimawandel (climate change)
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Erhaltung (preservation)
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Umweltschützer (environmentalist)
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Biomasse (biomass)
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