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Day 84 - Transportation and Travel
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Vocabulary of the day
Flughafen (airport)
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Bus (bus)
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Taxi (taxi)
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Zug (train)
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Fahrkarte (ticket)
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Flug (flight)
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U-Bahn (subway)
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Boot (boat)
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Auto (car)
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Fahrrad (bicycle)
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Motorrad (motorcycle)
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Roller (scooter)
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Straßenbahn (tram)
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Fähre (ferry)
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Hubschrauber (helicopter)
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Schiff (ship)
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Gepäck (luggage)
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Reisepass (passport)
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Zielort (destination)
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Fahrplan (schedule)
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Abfahrt (departure)
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Ankunft (arrival)
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Bahnsteig (platform)
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Flugsteig (gate)
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Terminal (terminal)
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Sitzplatz (seat)
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Reisebus (coach)
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Pilot (pilot)
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Fahrer (driver)
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Schaffner (for a person checking tickets on a train), Dirigent (for an orchestra conductor) (conductor)
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reisen (travel)
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Reise (journey)
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Reise (trip)
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Strecke (route)
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Reservierung (reservation)
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Unterkunft (accommodation)
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Tourist (tourist)
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Visum (visa)
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Reiseplan (itinerary)
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Karte (map)
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Reiseführer (guidebook)
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