Vocabulary of the day
famiglia (family)
genitori (parents)
madre (mother)
Padre (father)
fratello o sorella (sibling)
Fratello (brother)
sorella (sister)
Nonna (grandmother)
nonno (grandfather)
nonni (grandparents)
figlio (for a son) or figlia (for a daughter) (child)
figli (children)
figlio (son)
figlia (daughter)
zia (aunt)
zio (uncle)
cugino (male), cugina (female) (cousin)
nipote (nephew)
nipote (femminile) (niece)
matrigna (stepmother)
patrigno (stepfather)
fratellastro (stepbrother)
sorellastra (stepsister)
fratellastro (half-brother)
mezzasorella (half-sister)
suocera (mother-in-law)
suocero (father-in-law)
nuora (daughter-in-law)
genero (son-in-law)
cognato (brother-in-law)
cognata (sister-in-law)
marito (husband)
moglie (wife)
coniuge (spouse)
compagno/compagna (partner)
fidanzato (fiancé)
fidanzata (fiancée)
padrino (godfather)
madrina (godmother)
figlioccio (godson)
comare (goddaughter)
adottato (masculine), adottata (feminine) (adopted)
tutore (guardian)
parente (relative)
parentela (relationship)