Bonde (when referring to the streetcar type usually found in cities like San Francisco) or teleférico (when referring to the aerial cable car type usually found in mountain resorts). (cable car)
riquixá (rickshaw)
Carruagem puxada por cavalos (horse-drawn carriage)
Skate (skateboard)
Patins inline (rollerblades)
segway (no direct translation, the brand name is commonly used as-is) (segway)
balão de ar quente (hot air balloon)
nave espacial (spaceship)
Aerodeslizador (hovercraft)
Moto aquática (jet ski)
trenó (sled)
Canoa (canoe)
caiaque (kayak)
Pedestre (pedestrian)
piloto (pilot)
motorista (driver)
Condutor (conductor)
passageiro (passenger)
Comissário de bordo (male) / Comissária de bordo (female) (flight attendant)