Vocabulary of the day
tempo (weather)
temperatura (temperature)
quente (hot)
quente (warm)
ameno (mild)
fresco (cool)
frio (cold)
congelante (freezing)
chuva (rain)
chuvoso (rainy)
Garoa (drizzle)
Chuva rápida (shower)
Tempestade com trovoadas (thunderstorm)
neve (snow)
nevoso (snowy)
Granizo (sleet)
granizo (hail)
Vento (wind)
ventoso (windy)
brisa (breeze)
Rajada (gust)
Nuvem (cloud)
Nublado (cloudy)
Nublado (overcast)
neblina (fog)
nebuloso (foggy)
umidade (humidity)
Orvalho (dew)
previsão (forecast)
Ensolarado (sunny)
limpo (clear)
temperatura (temperature)
grau (degree)
Celsius (Celsius)
Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit)
Nevasca (blizzard)
Relâmpago (lightning)
trovão (thunder)
céu (sky)
estação (season)
primavera (spring)
Verão (summer)
outono (fall)
outono (autumn)
inverno (winter)
Tornado (tornado)
Furacão (hurricane)
Tufão (typhoon)
Ciclone (cyclone)
Gelo (ice)
geada (frost)
tempestade (storm)
Precipitação (precipitation)
clima (climate)
atmosfera (atmosphere)