Vocabulary of the day
primavera (spring)
Verão (summer)
Outono (autumn)
Inverno (winter)
tempo (weather)
temperatura (temperature)
quente (warm)
quente (hot)
fresco (cool)
frio (cold)
Congelar (freeze)
Neve (snow)
gelo (ice)
chuva (rain)
ensolarado (sunny)
nublado (cloudy)
tempestade (storm)
brisa (breeze)
Vento (wind)
frio (chilly)
calor (heat)
umidade (humidity)
trovão (thunder)
relâmpago (lightning)
neblina (fog)
névoa (mist)
granizo (hail)
descongelamento (thaw)
flores (flowers)
folhas (leaves)
florada (blossom)
colheita (harvest)
equinócio (equinox)
Solstício (solstice)
outono (fall)
casaco (coat)
jaqueta (jacket)
guarda-chuva (umbrella)
botas (boots)
cachecol (scarf)
luvas (gloves)
Roupa de banho (swimwear)
Protetor solar (sunscreen)
tampa (cap)
óculos de sol (sunglasses)