Vocabulary of the day
família (family)
Pais (parents)
mãe (mother)
pai (father)
irmão ou irmã (sibling)
irmão (brother)
irmã (sister)
avó (grandmother)
avô (grandfather)
avós (grandparents)
filho/filha (child)
filhos (children)
filho (son)
filha (daughter)
Tia (aunt)
Tio (uncle)
primo (for a male cousin) / prima (for a female cousin) (cousin)
Sobrinho (nephew)
sobrinha (niece)
Madrasta (stepmother)
Padrasto (stepfather)
Irmão postiço (stepbrother)
irmã postiça (stepsister)
meio-irmão (half-brother)
meia-irmã (half-sister)
sogra (mother-in-law)
sogro (father-in-law)
nora (daughter-in-law)
genro (son-in-law)
Cunhado (brother-in-law)
cunhada (sister-in-law)
marido (husband)
esposa (wife)
cônjuge (spouse)
parceiro(a) (partner)
noivo (fiancé)
noiva (fiancée)
padrinho (godfather)
Madrinha (godmother)
afilhado (godson)
afilhada (goddaughter)
adotado (adopted)
tutor legal (guardian)
parente (relative)
relacionamento (relationship)